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Lindsey E. Bazzone, MD,PhD

Pulmonary Disease
Critical Care Medicine
Hospital Medicine
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-1975

Andrew E. Bennett, MD

Diagnostic Radiology
Emergency Radiology
Abdominal Imaging
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-3850

Sean Bennett, DO

UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
340 Thompson Road
Webster, MA  01570
Phone: (508) 949-8932

Taylor E. Brown, MD

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3071

Pamela Susan Burgwinkle, CNP

Nurse Practitioner-Acute Care
UMass Memorial Medical Center - Hahnemann Campus
281 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA  01605
Phone: (508) 793-5209

Laura Burke, MD

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3195

Brandon C. Busuito, MD

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3195

Maria Cebula, MD

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3030

Deirdre J. Chafe, CNP

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
UMass Memorial Health - Marlborough Hospital
157 Union Street
Marlborough, MA  01752
Phone: (508) 486-5000

Michael D. Chang, MD

Eastern Connecticut Pathology Consultants, P.C.
94 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-6427

Benjamin Chin, DO

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3195

David T. Chiu, MD

Emergency Medicine
UMass Memorial Health - Harrington Hospital
100 South Street
Southbridge, MA  01550
Phone: (508) 765-3195

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