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Giovana E. Barbosa Felipe, CNP

Nurse Practitioner-Family
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-3550

Apurv Barche, MD

Pediatric Neonatal/Perinatal
UMass Memorial Medical Center - Memorial Campus
119 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA  01605
Phone: (508) 334-6206

Megan E. Bare, CRNA

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 856-3271

Deepika I. Baren, PA-C

Physician Assistant
UMass Memorial Medical Center - Memorial Campus
119 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA  01605
Phone: (508) 334-5603

Maria F. Barile, MD

Diagnostic Radiology
Cardio-Thoracic Imaging
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-3850

Linsey Barker, DO

Geriatric Medicine
Internal Medicine
UMass Memorial Medical Center - Hahnemann Campus
291 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA  01605
Phone: (508) 334-6251

Katharine C. Barnard, MD

Family Medicine
Worcester RISE for Health, Inc.
18 Chestnut Street
Worcester, MA  01608
Phone: (774) 417-1756

Anna M. Barrett, MD

Brain Injury Medicine
Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-2527

Melissa Barrieau, PA-C

Physician Assistant
Oxford Urgent Care
78 Sutton Avenue
Oxford, MA  01540
Phone: (508) 499-1760

Curtis T. Barry, MD

Transplant Hepatology
UMass Memorial Medical Center - University Campus
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA  01655
Phone: (508) 334-3068

Kathleen A. Barry, MD

Family Medicine
Family Medicine Shrewsbury Street
328 Shrewsbury Street
Worcester, MA  01604
Phone: (508) 757-5520

Cathi A. Bartolini, CNP

Nurse Practitioner-Acute Care
UMass Memorial Medical Center - Memorial Campus
119 Belmont Street
Worcester, MA  01605
Phone: (508) 334-5603

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